This paper analyzes the cause of the tragic ending in Hamlet from the angle of fate tragedy and character tragedy. 本文试从命运悲剧和性格悲剧的角度分析《哈姆雷特》的悲剧成因。
The reappearance of Hegel's theory of art ending& On the aesthetic character of the 20th century's literature 黑格尔艺术宿命论的现在时呈现&20世纪文学艺术美学品格管窥
There are 333-ng ending Chinese Characters in the Table of Chinese Character Most in Use which was issued by Japanese government. 日本政府公布的《常用汉字表》中读后鼻辅音韵尾的汉字共333个。
In the last part, I begin with his officialdom novels 'narration pattern, topic conception and ending designing in order that I can point the drawbacks in his art character, and then discuss the paradox between the aesthetic significance and realistic significance of his writing. 第三部分主要从他的官场小说的叙述模式、主题立意和结尾的处理入手,指出周梅森艺术上的缺憾,从而探讨作品审美意义与现实意义的二律悖反。